NeoGraft Hair Transplant Specialist
With the NeoGraft Automated Hair Transplant System, the FUE procedure is efficient and produces
consistent natural results!
An FUE hair transplant with NeoGraft can be done in the same amount of time as a “strip” hair transplant, reducing the cost of an FUE transplant. In addition to reducing the time required for the transplant, NeoGraft uses pneumatic pressure to extract the follicles and implant them, which means no risk of damage to the hair follicles.
The FUE hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure. With FUE each graft from the back of the head (donor area) is harvested individually and placed in the thinning or balding areas on the top of the head. The hair at the back of the head is genetically programmed not to fall out (not affected by the DHT hormone). The NeoGraft medical system is designed to help the doctor offer his patients this latest, most advanced procedure in hair transplantation while overcoming the problems with manual FUE and those of the “strip” method.
The NeoGraft FUE Hair Transplant System has been developed to assist the doctor with the FUE procedure in order to make the procedure simpler, faster, and more efficacious. The grafts extracted with the NeoGraft contra-angled tool are of excellent quality and remained moist and robust because of the collection canister frequently misting the grafts compared to being exposed to open air under hot lamp microscopes with the “strip” method.

With the FUE method there is little bleeding and fewer complications than with the “strip” method. The procedure is performed with local anesthetic and no intravenous or intra-muscular sedation is required. With FUE there is no visible scarring allowing the hair to be worn short. There is little chance with FUE of damage to nerves, causing pain, or damage to major blood vessels. There are fewer limitations on activities for the first few weeks compared to the “strip” surgery. A complication sometimes seen with the “strip” surgery is a feeling the scalp is too tight from the suturing together of the scalp. Sometimes permanent numbness in the area where the piece of scalp was removed occurs.